Five gymnasts from the German Gymnastics Association Wernesgrün Ernst Straube, Paul Schink, Kurt Vogel, Hans Georgi and Wendelin Bendele found a minstrels' group.1913
Performances from now on with valve instruments and many appearances and good performances in the following years.1929
Conversion of the marching group into a marching band. Playing from sheet music and the six-part horn instrumentation were introduced.1949
New beginning after World War II and the difficult post-war years.1957
50th anniversary.1962-65
Crisis and temporary suspension of musical activity for various reasons - lack of support, aging, etc.
Reorientation and a new beginning - Founding of a school group and a small cast alongside the orchestra. Many performances again in the following years.1972
Celebration event on the occasion of the 65th anniversary. In the following years honored several times as "Outstanding Folk Art Collective".1976
Awarded the medal "Outstanding Folk Art Collective of the GDR".1982
75th anniversary celebrations.1983
Invitation and participation in the television show "Oberhofer Bauernmarkt".1984
Invitation and participation in the 22nd Kmoch Festival in Kolin near Prague.1986
Participation in the TV show "Musikanten sind da" with Monika Hauff and Klaus-Dieter Henkler.1987
Participation in the parade and concerts on the occasion of the 750th anniversary in Berlin.1989
A week after the opening of the border, spontaneous concert in Hof in cooperation with the city administration and the radio station Radio-Euroherz.1991
On March 9, 1991, the general meeting decided to found a new club under the name "Wernesgrüner Blasmusikanten" - Musikverein Wernesgrün e.V. from 1907.1991
First appearances in the MDR television program "Wernesgrüner Musikantenschenke".1996
Founding of a dance and traditional costume group with original Vogtland costume.1996
Concert tour to the USA - appearances at the Steuben Parades in New York and Philadelphia as well as at various German guest clubs.1996
Participation in the ZDF TV show "Funny Musicians" with Marianne and Michael.1999
Concert tour to the USA and Canada - performances in Toronto, Ottawa and Philadelphia.2000
1st brass music festival of the association - the beginning of a successful long-term series of events.2002
Concert tour to Zingst2004
Day of the Vogtländer in Wernesgrün2007
Celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the association, festive event and evening of honor, anniversary concert and morning pint with guest orchestras.2008
Participation in the European wind music festival in Bad Schlema.2008
The music association receives the Pro Musica badge as an award for 100 years of association activity.2011
600th anniversary of Wernesgrün2012
Concert trip to Florida in the USA - concerts at Oktoberfest events of German-American clubs, combined with a trip around Florida.2013
5th German Music Festival Chemnitz - Participation in the BDMV competition "Traditional Brass Music" and performances in various venues.2020-2021
Due to the SARS-CoV-2 (Corona) epidemic, rehearsals and events have largely come to a standstill.
20th brass music festival of the association under the motto "songs that come from the heart"2022
Participation in the “Titans of the Racetrack” event in Brück.